A brown relief print of a an abstract juniper tree with a wolf underneath

Dirt, Pulp, & Ink

Welcome to my website! Take off your shoes and get comfortable. My name is Wolfgang Juniper - I'm a humble creature living and making art in New Jersey. This is where I post all of my work. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you're curious about my work or just want to chat.

I like to make things out of dirt and plants, like ceramic pots and paper with flowers and leaves in it. You can click on the art tab above to view my wares, and if you take a shine to one, you can call it your own by visiting my shop nextdoor.

Mind the shopkeeper, they're a bit of a scamp, wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them personally. Though they are rather small, so that might be pretty far...

"Rest assured you won't find better deals elsewhere...just don't ask where I got any of this stuff. It's best you don't worry that pretty head of yours about it."